We are Avendeo. We make tools that help rental property owners market their properties, optimize lead contact rate, and convert leads into renters.

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Create a lead funnel, publish ads, and contact leads all in one place.

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About Avendeo

BamLeadsReport BugSuggest FeatureCompanyContact UsGuide to Marketing Your Rental PropertyThe Secrets of Writing Rental ListingsPicture Perfect – 10 Tips for Photographing your Rental PropertyCase Study: Andrews 3 Rental Properties 2.5 Years LaterCase Study: 5 Rental Property Trends You Need To Know For 2020

Why Rental Property Owners Choose Our Service

Backed by 40+ technologists and marketers, Avendeo’s mission is to offer the tools and services necessary for any rental property owner to get more renters in the most cost effective way.

Get More Leads

With the effective combination of battle-tested lead funnel templates and expert marketing direction, you will be able to reach the right people at the right time. As a result, generating significantly more quality leads for you to act upon.

Convert Leads To Prospects

Count on automated follow-ups to easily prioritize your leads. You can finally focus on the leads that are likely going to turn into prospects with our integrated lead management system.

Turn Prospects Into Renters

Having been fully engaged with your prospects using all our tools and resources at your disposal, it’s now time to sign contracts with future renters. More quality leads, less vacancies - that’s the Avendeo mindset.

Most landlords will agree that tenant turnover is an unpleasant but inevitable reality of the job. Vacancies are a part of real estate investing, so it's important...

view more ➝Guide to Marketing Your Rental Property

On average, you’re competing with over 100 other rental properties when you’re advertising your unit. Competition could be even higher depending on your...

view more ➝The Secrets of Writing Rental Listings

Listings with better photos receive about 3 times more inquiries on the liv.rent platform. To attract the right tenants and to bring in more than one applicant, you need to...

view more ➝Picture Perfect – 10 Tips for Photographing your Rental Property

Noteworthy Articles

Stay up to date or learn something new with our selection of resources put together by the Avendeo experts.

Why Rental Property Owners Choose Our Service